The inception of the On Yer Bikes web site was for the 2001 Sponsored Cycle Ride, organised by Chris Tansey and his wife Karen.
The total raised was an incredible £12315.
Our thanks go out to Chris and Karen to everyone who took part, the sponsors who provided prizes for the raffle, Mike Finn who provided the web site and to everyone who contributed time and money to make the event such an amazing success.
The text from the original OYB home page is reproduced below:
I hope you can help. This is a picture of myself and my niece, Alisha, a local girl (Poole Dorset). Alisha is 3 months old and has been diagnosed with Type 1 SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). This is a rare genetic disorder that unfortunately means she is unlikely to reach her second Birthday.
Although the condition is rare, the gene that causes it is actually carried by around 1 in 40 of us. In order for Symptons to develop, both parents must carry the gene (1:1600 chance) and then there is a 1 in 4 chance of the child developing symptons. Those of you who are on the web, can find out more information by going to the following website
I am attempting to raise money for the Jennifer Trust Spinal Muscular Atrophy Organisation which provides support from the families of sufferers of this awful degenerative condition as well as funding research in the hope of one day finding a cure.
Firstly, I am organizing a sponsored cycle on 19th August this year. If you can assist with sponsorship, please go to the [pledge form] and donate what you can (you don't have to give any credit card details). If you want to take part in the event [click here] and complete the form.
Secondly, we are organizing a raffle of items kindly donated by local businesses. Please visit the sponsors page to see the excellent assortment of prizes available.
About Us | ![]() | Past fundraising | ![]() | Ride 2001 |